
產品編號: 1111100095243


產品編號: 1111100095243
Regular price HK$ 200
Sale price HK$ 140 Save 30%
  • 家品/ 家飾 - 購買超過$350即可免運費
  • 送貨時間 - 3至7個工作天
  • 安全付款
  • 有貨
  • Inventory on the way


  • 網上商店沒有存貨
  • 尖沙咀iSQUARE 店沒有存貨
  • 銅鑼灣店(京士頓街)沒有存貨
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  • 將軍澳PopCorn沒有存貨
  • 元朗Yoho Mall沒有存貨
  • 沙田HomeSquare沒有存貨
  • Festival Walk沒有存貨


A set of 5 art boards that can be easily incorporated without any coordination.
With a monochrome-based design that is easy to match with a variety of interiors, even art beginners can easily try their hand at it.
The affordable price is also attractive.
The board is lightweight and can be attached with thumbtacks using the metal fittings on the back. It is also recommended to display it against a wall.

▼Click here for the installation hook
Wall hook
Size: W555×D35×H506mm
Material : MDF, canvas, iron
■Do not use in places exposed to direct sunlight or lights for long periods of time.
■If you want to hang it on a wall, please hang it on a wall where you can attach nails or hooks.
■Please be careful as it is very dangerous if it falls.
■When hanging on a nail or hook on the wall, make sure it is not far from the wall.
■Also, please check the load capacity of the nails and hooks before hanging.
■The weight of the product is large: approx. 0.27kg/small: approx. 0.19kg.
■Please be careful in the event of an earthquake.
■Please check periodically to see if the fasteners are loose, and if they become loose or damaged, please stop using the wall-mount.
■Country of origin: China


HK$ 350