Pocketable Roomshoes Tweed Pink

產品編號: 1106020035165
Pocketable Roomshoes Tweed  Pink

Pocketable Roomshoes Tweed Pink

產品編號: 1106020035165
Regular price HK$ 220 Sale price HK$ 140
  • 家品/ 家飾 - 購買超過$350即可免運費
  • 送貨時間 - 3至7個工作天
  • 安全付款
  • 有貨
  • Inventory on the way
運費 將於結帳頁面計算


  • 網上商店有存貨
  • 尖沙咀iSQUARE 店充足庫存
  • 銅鑼灣店(京士頓街)少量存貨
  • 太古城店少量存貨
  • 奧海城購物中心少量存貨
  • 將軍澳PopCorn充足庫存
  • 元朗Yoho Mall沒有存貨
  • 沙田HomeSquare充足庫存
  • Festival Walk充足庫存


Stylish pocketable room shoes with trendy tweed fabric. It can be stored compactly in the attached pouch, so it is convenient to carry without adding bulk to your luggage. Easy to put on and flat shoes, recommended for long trips .
Size: W180×D80×H210mm
Material: Polyester, Cotton, Rayon, Polyurethane, Nylon (with slits)
■Due to the characteristics of the product, there may be slight variations in size, color and pattern.
■When washing, please avoid soaking and wash separately by placing it in a net using the hand wash course.
■ Avoid dehydration as it may cause deformation and excessive wrinkles.
Please be careful not to get caught. Also, please be aware that if you apply excessive force, it may cause the fabric to warp, the stitches to overlap, or the seams to open.
■Due to the characteristics of the product, the threads may come loose after washing.
■If you are concerned about it, do not pull it forcibly and cut it with scissors.
■Country of origin: China


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